
Making Gifts look awesome!

Did the house get finished?

Finish it Friday- Parking on Paint

Apryl is Blogging! - Visit and say hello!

AIW Party Time Planning

Thankful Thursday- Resale Shops!

Apryl in Wonderland Begins

Wordless Wednesday Whirl #6

Free Address Labels

Being a Rockstar at the Gas Station!

Finish it Friday- Hot dogs!

Thankful Thursday- The Gym

Wordless Wednesday Whirl #5

Post Cruise Lessons: Use the Safe

We are back!

Finish it Friday- Elly-phants!

Thankful Thursday- Luggage!

Wordless Wednesday Whirl #4

Versatile Blogger Award


Road trip memories

Cruise is HERE!!!!

Cruise Countdown- 1 days

Finish it Friday- Counting down!

Cruise Countdown- 2 days