Over at The Butterfly Mom my bff Brittany shared her 12 projects for 12 months. Some of her projects are HEFTY home redos. She is ulta handy and crafty and then has a husband who will help if needed/asked. My list is NOT 12 because I just don't see me being able to keep up with all my regular projects and 12 new ones.
Since I don't have 12 and I have a project that is half done that wasn't from Pinterest... I am going to call all my home related projects Byrd House Renovations.
These projects are not in any order as far as when I will be attempting them. The pictures below are my inspiration. None of these pictures are my own spaces. I will share those soon. If you click on any of the below pictures it will take you to the source. As I continue to be inspired you can follow my Pinterest Board: 2013 Projects. These pictures can also be found on my board.
1. Coat Closet
I have a small coat closet in my front entry way that just needs some love. It has coats in it...but they are all mine and there is almost no room for anyone else.
I also plan on putting these rods in my coat closet. I own many scarfs and hats but never seem to be able to find them as I head out the door.
2. Hall Closet : Finished 03/04
Hall closet redo finished {see the post here}
My hall closet already has shelves like this in it {SCORE} and there is even some extra space between the shelves and the door for the hanging towels. I just need to organize it. The hall closet is also where all my board games and puzzles live.
I haven't decided if I am going to try and squeeze my vacuum into the coat closet or hall closet. Currently it is sitting in the middle of my rug because I just cleaned it. But it normally lives in my coat closet.
Where do you keep your vacuum?
3. Guestroom Closet
I know... I know... Lots of closets going on. But they really need it! My guestroom closet is almost this same size. Instead of two short hanging spaces I only want one long one. But I'm going to measure and I'm hoping there is enough room to turn it on it's side and put the bar on the right wall instead. I don't know. still batting that idea around in my head.
The guestroom closet does have a mirror on the outside of the closet door currently and on the inside of the door it has a storage canvas hanger. I am thinking of relocating the canvas hanger and also putting in towel rods on the inside of the door similar to the hall closet. That way guests can hang their towels but since I only have one bathroom they aren't taking up bathroom space.
{Lightbulb} I have an extra door in my bathroom that has nothing on it because it leads to my bedroom... I could put towel rods on it! Oh goodness.
4. Small Tweaks to the Bathroom
My bathroom just has small changes to be done. Like the light bulb moment above, touching up some paint. Maybe painting the cabinets and counter top. Replacing the sink fixture. LOL not so small I guess.
5. Deal with my Mail
I hate mail because it is never fun. I never get cool pictures drawn by god kids {cough, cough, hint}. I occasionally get a cool card from my sister. I got several Christmas cards but that season is over.
I am going to have two, maybe three of these vents to sort mail that is bills, outgoing, needs action. I know you would think bills need action but eh. I pay most of them online so I just file the bills. So it is more appropriate to say file it, outgoing, needs action will be my categories.
I plan on putting them on a piece of wood first, maybe framing the wood, adding cork or something like that. Adding hooks for my keys! And then hanging this in my entryway.
6. Guestroom Wall mural
I don't talk about it much because it has been a constant work in progress. Scratch that, it has been a work sitting waiting to be in progress. I have probably put in about 20 hours of effort into it over the last 3 years. But it is ALMOST done and it is on the project list!
7. Guestroom Wall Bed
If you don't think this is cool... we probably cant be friends. Sorry. The one I want in my guestroom will be white to match the theme in their. I already have the bed. I have to check the clearance for the ceiling fan but it should be okay. If not I will make it horizontal!
8. Laundry/Pantry room
Yup, that's right. My rooms are together. I often wonder if that is good for the food because the dryer makes the room a few degrees warmer. But it is what I have to work with.
9. Blog planner
Sweet Pea was featured on Addicted 2 Decorating's Facebook page as a newly redone blog by Kristi (the author of A2D). If you want to see other blogs Kristi designed visit here. Well, I went over to Sweet Pea to check it out and saw this post: Blog Planning for 2012. A blog planner... how cool! I am really hoping it will help my blog stay on track.
10. Be healthier
I'm going to tell you a secret. So don't tell anyone who has previously heard me say I was going to be healthier and failed because I need encouraging people not Debbie Downers... but I bought an elliptical. It should be ready to pick up tomorrow. My goal is to start at 15 minutes every day and work up to an hour. I am trying to eat healthier too. Brittany is committing to update her progress once a month. I think that is a doable goal. My blog isn't about fitness so don't think that will be taking over.
Month 1 Update
Okay. That's it. 10. A good round number. Some projects are big. Some are small. Some have a higher budget, others just require elbow grease and the commitment to get it done.
What are you planning for 2013?