Byrd has new Jewelry

Let me tell you that this week has been the longest, shortest, fun filled, emotionally packed week ever.
Brooke and I went to the state fair, we did painting, we went dancing. We had people over and played drunken Jenga. We played dancing with Kinect, we went to the stockyards. We had fast food, fried food and we made food. She met so many people who are important to me and now the week is over.

I have been blessed when seeking out my family I didn't know to be greeted with curiosity and open minds. I have been able to meet my family and have us understand that the choices our parents or other relatives made do not negatively affect our relationship or us knowing one another. This has been true with my cousin and now with my sister too.

Sadly, that is not always the case when people search out relatives. I have no regrets. I am glad I took the risk of being shut down and shut out. Some risks in life are just worth it.

This week has taught me some important lessons. Some that I already knew, some that are good to be reminded of. Some are simple and some are just plan silly.

:: Read a recipe all the way through before doing it. Actually read it twice.
:: Include the people in your life when important events are going on
:: A week is not long enough to shove 26 years of missed time and memories
:: Candied apple and caramel apple kits lie. They are not easy and they do not come out pretty
:: Franks Buffalo Dip is just as good with canned chicken as regular
:: Don't play Kinect barefoot
:: Wearing a cowboy hat is just fun
:: Wearing said hat is required when playing a singing game and singing country songs
:: Making your own rap music video isn't only cool when you're little.

Apryl got me a necklace last Christmas. It is a puzzle piece... because we just go together even though we are so different. I wear it all the time. Today Brooke gave me a Path of Life bracelet. It is from Alex and Ani, and its label says this::
Source:: Alex and Ani
Emblematic of life's zenith and nadir moments, this charm illustrates life's twists, turns and unexpected winds, all the while complimenting the beauty in its pattern. Wear this charm to proudly celebrate your own willingness and strength in traveling toward life’s fruitful moments. 

I don't think there is a better way to explain everything that has been going on lately. I already have it on.
While this week has been all about Brooke and trying to get to know her and spending time doing stuff it has reminded me how much I love Apryl. I am so glad that I have 18 years of memories and laughs that have been created and that are treasured. I am so glad that there are more memories and laughs to be had with both my sisters.

On an unrelated note, today it is raining in Texas and it is a slow steady rain. The kind that can soften the earth so they rain gets absorbed not the hard fast kind that washes everything away. You have to be glad about the simple things because sometimes in life... things aren't simple.
