Labor Day | What did you Celebrate?

Today is actually the day after Labor Day. But how did you choose to spend the holiday? I spent the day with my family and friends.

The thought went through my mind more than once... what is Labor Day all about. I know I am off work, and I am glad for it.... but why?

There are other holidays that also get lost in the mix from time to time but people know what they mean. Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, and President's Day are the first that come to mind. 

So what is up with Labor Day? 

The DOL says:
"It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pay tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership — the American worker." says this about labor day:
 "On September 5, 1882, 10,000 workers took unpaid time off to march from City Hall to Union Square in New York City, holding the first Labor Day parade in U.S. history. The idea of a “workingmen’s holiday,” celebrated on the first Monday in September, caught on in other industrial centers across the country." 

Even though it caught on, Labor Day didn't become a national federal holiday until 1894.

Today we often think of Labor Day as the end of summer, the start of school or just a day to barbecue and enjoy life.

Oddly enough... that is part of what the day was originally designed for. It was designed for those who already work so much and put in those long hours and do those tough jobs... the jobs that keep this country running. It is a day for rest for those people.

I enjoyed my day off, but my trash man still had to go to work... so I hope they get to enjoy another day as their day of rest.

How did you spend your day? I would love to hear about it!

::if you are interested in learning about other holidays and their history... look here at's info::
