Finish it Friday | Party in a Bottle!

Did you see my Wordless Wednesday post this week? It was another angle of this bottle.

I had some great captions commented for it!

Elizabeth at Single Life 2 Married Wife suggested:: Bottle of Fun!!
Liz at Moms check nyo said:: Message in a Bottle

I called it Party in a Bottle when I mailed it away. I call it Love Mail and you will see that Label more and more in the coming future here at Bit of Byrd.

Elizabeth also asked:: What did you put in there?

Well thank you so much for asking!

To create a Party in a Bottle ::

I got an old water bottle, left the lid off and let it dry out.
I dropped in some sequins.
I made a card and rolled it up. And pushed it in.
I stuffed in some deflated balloons.
I rolled streamers til they were about as wide as the bottle opening. I made two.
I then wrote on a ribbon "Party in a Bottle just for you!" and I taped it to the lid so the ribbon would pull out when they took the lid off.

Now why would someone mail a plastic bottle?! Well it wasn't my idea originally. I found the inspiration here on Pinterest. The pin takes you over to Givers Log and the posts she has about Happy Mail. Givers Log has a whole series about things that weigh less than 13 oz and are mailed through the United States Postal System. I did some searching and I will share more details later. But bottom line... I mailed a bottle, I paid USPS postage, the bottle got there!

I have recently also Bottle mailed my sister some glow in the dark butterfly tattoos and thumb tacks. I also sent out a lip gloss in a bottle to a customer. I figure it is more memorable when it comes in a unique package. Do you agree? Be on the look out for more Love Mail!

What is the more unique or unusual thing you have sent in the mail?
