Are you ready to be confused? I often talk about my sister. I often call people by their title and not their name.. so it might seem odd that I have two sisters.
Both sisters, Brooke and Apryl I have had... technically since they were born. But I've only had the pleasure of knowing Apryl that whole time. I have been lucky enough to start to get to know Brooke over the last year or so.
A lot of my posts recently have been wrapped around Apryl going to college. There is another big event coming up in my life also. I get to meet Brooke! She is visiting in October the week of her birthday.
Brooke is someone who texts me good morning, and reminds me of the good things in life. She loves animals and she is determined and a hard worker.
So today I am thankful that I have more than one sister that can cheer me up and that I can be proud of.
It is great to remember the little things in life that make you happy more regularly than only in November!
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